Offer only valid for new students. A one-time purchase. Unlimited classes for one week, only $4 a day!
*Package expires 7 days after first scheduled class
Can only be applied to our regularly scheduled classes. Does not apply to special events, masterclasses, sound baths, etc.
7 FOR $28
*Auto renews each month
Membership Includes:
4 credits to access any regularly scheduled yoga classes.
15% off any special events, master classes, concerts, and workshops, offered in the studio
*Auto renews each month
Membership Includes:
Unlimited access to regularly scheduled yoga classes.
15% off any special events, master classes, concerts, and workshops, offered in the studio
+ 2 guest passes per month!
All single class, class packs, monthly memberships, masterclasses, and sound bath purchases are final sale. Classes cancelled at least 12 hours before class start time will be returned to your account as a class credit. Classes cancelled less than 12 hours before will result in the loss of class credit.