A Third Place

In our fast-paced, digitally-connected world, finding time to connect beyond the realms of work and home has become a real challenge. This brings us to a concept that's been on our minds lately – the incredible significance of "third places" in our communities. These spots, not quite home nor workplace, play a crucial role in enhancing our quality of life and creating that oh-so-important sense of belonging.

So, what exactly are "third places"? They're those social havens where you can unwind, socialize, and build connections. Picture this: running into friends, making new ones, swapping stories over a cup of tea, or most obviously, practicing some yoga. The vibes are casual, the laughter is genuine, and the connections? Well, that's the cherry on top!

The beauty of third places lies in their ability to strengthen social bonds. In a world where digital communication often trumps face-to-face interaction, having physical spaces dedicated to connecting becomes crucial. These places act as hubs where people engage in meaningful conversations, share experiences, and create connections that extend far beyond the virtual world.

And let's not forget the mental health perks! The laid-back atmosphere in coffee shops, community centers, local parks, or perhaps your yoga studio, provides a much-needed escape from the stresses of daily life. Having a go-to spot outside of work and home lets people unwind, rejuvenate, and break free from the pressures of their routine.

At Child’s Pose, we've always aimed to be a space to find your place. Initially, that meant providing a safe haven for your yoga practice. Now, we're ready to take it up a notch. Imagine coming in for your yoga session and deciding to stay a while. Bring your laptop, work next to your studio pals, and connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to meet. We’re still hammering out the details over the next several weeks but, we are very excited over here in the creation process, so stay tuned…😉

All-in-all, the buzz around the importance of third places is growing. These spaces act as the glue that binds us together, offering opportunities for socialization, relaxation, and community building. As we tackle the challenges of modern life, it's crucial to prioritize and preserve these third places for our collective well-being and the overall health of our communities. We are excited for what’s to come and for the potential of what we can build together! ✨🌈


"A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds." - Cristina Re


New Year, Same Season.